Old Time Photo Logo
Morning Studio

Frequently Asked Questions

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Whats so great about an Old Time Photo?

It's a ton of fun for the first thing. We have clients who visit us every so often to update their collection. Old Time Photos are valued possessions which are passed along generation to generation.

Do you have examples of the costumes available?

Yes we do. Depending on where you are having your Old Time Photo made, we will have a selection of photos we've taken as examples. Most generally we have you pick your theme and we will costume you. In other words do you want to be a "Gun Slinger" or a "Gambler".

Can I take a picture with my camera after my son is all dressed up?

Sorry, that is not allowed. We have reasonably priced extra prints which are available at the time of the setting or can be ordered later.

How long does it take to get my picture made?

Generally 15 to 20 minutes depending on how many there are in your party. Larger groups can take up to an hour.

When, how soon can I get my prints?

Your photographs can most times be ready with in 5 mintues or so. However when we are at an event, it may take longer depending on how busy we are.

Can I get extra copies of my prints or have Christmas Cards made?

Sure thing, just call us (512) 943-0609 or go on-line and have a look at our Rates Page. We offer several different sizes of prints and also can create a very special Holiday card for you.

How long will my prints last?

If cared for properly, they should last upward of 100 years. Keep them out of direct sun light. If framed put them behind UV protected glass. Should you have a problem with one of your prints, send it back to us and we'll replace it for free as long as there is no sign of neglect.

OK, I'm ready to get my picture made, do you have a costume to fit me?

More than likely we do. We have costumes to fit infants up to large folks.

How often do you clean your costumes?

We wash or dry clean our costumes on a regular basis. Our more popular costumes are cleaned more frequently. Your safety and comfort is one of our primary concerns.

I have my own outfit, is it OK if I come dressed in it?

Yes, we have lots of customers who have their own outfits.

How about my dog, can I bring him along and get my picture made with him?

Generally this not a problem. Freshly bathed and groomed, well mannered pets are welcome. They are considered an extra person when it comes time to pay.

Do I have to pay before I can get my Old Time Photo made?

No, full payment is due at the end of your session. If you are not happy with your portrait, you don't pay. We accept Cash, PayPal, Visa and MasterCard.

Where can I have my picture made?

Good question, our studio is located just north of Austin Texas in the city of Georgetown. You can call and make an appointment to have your photo taken there.

We have a fully equipped studio in Georgetown Texas and are available to you on an Appointment Only basis.  Please call, text or email us for more information or to make an appointment.

We make you a simple guarantee
~ If you aren’t happy, we aren’t happy. ~

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